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Programs & Services


a focused session ​focusing on your ​goals and aspirations

Lunch & ​Learn

a casual interactive ​professional ​development session


an immersive ​experience where ​individuals come ​together to explore ​John Maxwell's ​leadership principles

Maxwell ​METHOD d.i.s.c.

provides deep ​personal insight to your ​communication styles ​and interpersonal ​dynamics

leadership ​game

foster leadership ​development within ​your team in a fun ​collaborative setting

Not sure where to start? Let’s talk about it.

Give me a call or send me a message to discuss how I ​can support your journey to success!

With a tailored approach to meet your unique needs, I’m ​committed to guiding you every step of the way.

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A John Maxwell Mastermind Session is an immersive experience where individuals come together to ​explore and apply John Maxwell's leadership principles in a collaborative and supportive ​environment. Led by a certified John Maxwell Team member, the session typically involves a small ​group of participants who meet regularly to discuss key concepts from Maxwell's books, courses, or ​teachings.

During the session, participants engage in lively discussions, share insights, and exchange practical ​strategies for personal and professional growth. They may also participate in group exercises, case ​studies, and accountability challenges designed to deepen their understanding and application of ​Maxwell's leadership principles.

The Mastermind Session provides a structured framework for individuals to learn from each other's ​experiences, gain valuable feedback, and hold each other accountable to their goals. It fosters a ​sense of community and camaraderie among participants, who support and encourage each other ​on their leadership journey.

Overall, the John Maxwell Mastermind Session offers a dynamic and empowering learning ​experience that empowers individuals to become more effective leaders in their personal and ​professional lives.

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A personalized approach to development or improvement in a specific area of ​life or profession.

We can set goals, identify strengths and weaknesses, and create a tailored plan ​for growth or achievement. I’ll provides support, guidance, feedback, and ​accountability to help you overcome challenges, maximize potential, and achieve ​desired outcomes. One-on-one coaching can cover various areas such as ​personal development, career advancement, leadership skills, and relationship ​enhancement.

This style of coaching offers a confidential and focused environment for ​individuals to explore their goals, address obstacles, and make meaningful ​progress towards their aspirations.

Team on a Meeting
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Learning About Craft Beers Over Lunch With Friends

Lunch & learn

A lunch and learn is a casual and interactive professional development ​session held during lunchtime, typically in a workplace setting. ​Participants gather over lunch to learn about a specific topic or skill ​relevant to their work or personal development.

Lunch and learns offer a convenient way for employees to acquire ​new knowledge, enhance skills, and foster a culture of continuous ​learning within the organization. They provide an informal environment ​for networking, discussion, and collaboration among colleagues while ​enjoying a meal together.

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Maxwell METHOD D.i.s.c.

A D.I.S.C. assessment is a behavioral profiling tool that categorizes individuals into ​four main personality types—Dominance, Influence, Steadiness, and ​Conscientiousness.

This personality test can benefit anyone interested in gaining insight into their ​behavioral tendencies, communication style, and interpersonal dynamics, ​including individuals seeking personal development, career advancement, team ​building, leadership development, conflict resolution, and improved ​communication skills in both professional and personal contexts.

Take your assessment and schedule a detailed review where I will walk you ​through your results and provide insight beyond the report.

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Leadership Game

The John Maxwell Leadership Game is a tool designed to facilitate discussions and ​insights into leadership principles and practices. This game is often used in ​workshops, seminars, team-building exercises, and corporate training sessions.

The game is not about competition; instead, it fosters collaboration, ​communication, and learning among participants. Players will deepen their ​understanding of leadership principles, identify areas for growth, and develop ​strategies to become more effective leaders. It's a dynamic and interactive way to ​enhance leadership skills and foster a culture of leadership excellence within ​teams and organizations.

schedule a free consult

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